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所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2009-12-22 16:29
浏览次数: 339
1. Project Name: Procurement of Sewer and Installation Materials for Songyuan Jiangbei Sewage Treatment Project, Jilin Province,PRC China
Bid No. : 0703-0950CIC2P147
2. Songyuan Drainage company (hereinafter referred to as “the End-user”) has applied a loan from the German Government in EURO towards the cost of the above mentioned sewer and installation materials which is an ICB tender lot in frame of the Songyuan Jiangbei Sewage Treatment Project and it is intended that the proceeds of this loan will be applied to eligible payments under this proposed contract.
3. Instrimpex International Tendering Company, as the agent and on behalf of the End- user hereby invites sealed bids from eligible bidders according to the KfW Procurement Guideline for the supply of pipelines and Materials financed by German Government loan. Bids may be submitted by manufacturers, or by an authorized agent for and on behalf of the primary manufacturer provided the bid is accompanied by a duly signed letter of authority from the primary manufacturer authorizing the designated agent to bid solely for and on behalf of the primary man ufacturer. Documentary evidence will be required of all bidders that they have qualifications, experience and capacity to be able to successfully complete the contract on time for the wastewater treatments goods offered.
4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the tendering documents at the office of:Instrimpex International Tendering Company between 9:00 am ---11:00 am, 1:30pm---4:00 pm (Beijing Time) from Dec 22nd, 2009 to February 4th, 2010 at the following address (Sundays and holidays excluded).
Add : Rm.1504 Genertec Plaza ,No.90,Xisanhuan ZhongLu Beijing, China.
Name of persons to be conacted: Mr. Yao Yongqing, Mr. Yu Le
Tel : +86 10 63 34 90 06, 63 34 89 25
Fax : +86 10 63 37 36 47
5. A complete set of Tender Documents in English version with the Chinese translation version may be purchased by any interested eligible Bidder on the submission of a written application to the above and upon payment of non-refundable fee of RMB 3000.
The Chinese version and the electronic version Tender Documents is just for reference, if there is any contrary, the English printed version of Tendering Documents shall govern.
6. All bids must be accompanied by a bid bond of not less than 3% of the bid prices and must be delivered to Meeting Room Genertec Plaza, No.90, Xisanhuan ZhongLu Beijing, China at or before 9:00 am (Beijing Time), February 5th, 2010.
7. Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders'representatives who choose to attend at 10:00 am (Beijing Time),February 5th, 2010 at the Meeting Room Genertec Plaza, No.90,Xisanhuan ZhongLu Beijing, China.
8. The Invitation for Bids will be simultaneously issued in Chinese media and in Germany Trade and Invest (gtai).
投 标 邀 请
1. 项目名称:吉林松原市江北污水处理项目
2. 中华人民共和国松原市排水公司(以下简称“最终用户”)已经从德国政府申请到欧元贷款,用于上述项目。该贷款的资金将用于支付拟议的污水管线及安装材料供货合同项下符合条件的款项。
3. 作为最终用户的代理,中仪国际招标公司特此代表最终用户,按照现行的、有关由德国KFW采购导则供应污水处理项目污水管线以及安装材料的规定,向德国政府贷款合格的投标人进行密封招标。可以由经授权的代理人代表原始制造商进行投标,条件是必须随投标书一同提交一份经原始
4. 有意投标的、合格的投标人可以在 2009年12月22日-2010年02月04日以后每天9:00AM-11:00AM;1:30PM-4:00PM(北京时间)(假日除外)到中仪国际招标公司了解更多的情况、购买招标书,地址是:详细地址:北京市丰台区西三环中路90号通用技术大厦1504室
邮 编:100055
联 系 人:姚永清, 余乐
电 话:+86 10 63349006,63348925
传 真:+86 10 63373647
5. 任何有意的合格的投标人在向上述办公室提交一份书面申请,并支付一笔不可退还的费用后,均可购买一套完整的招标文件,本招标文件全套售价人民币3000元。招标文件以英文编写附中文翻译版。中文本或电子版与英文本如有差异,以英文打印版为准。
6. 所有投标人必须在2010年02月05日上午9:00(北京时间)之时或之前在北京市丰台区西三环中路90号通用技术大厦会议室向代理公司提交投标书,同时缴纳一笔金额不低于投标价格3%的保证金。
7. 开标时间定为2010年02月05日上午10:00(北京时间),开标地点在中国通用技术大厦会议室。所有标书将当着投标人代表的面打开。
8. 此投标邀请将在中国媒体以及Germany Trade and Invest (gtai)上同时发布。
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